Promoted a SOUTH COAST FISHER PRODUCER COMPANY LIMITED(SCF) supported by NABARD. The purpose of SCF is to improve the livelihood of costal fishermen community in Kanyakumari district and increase the fishing potential by linking with government schemes, to open new avenues of employment opportunities and develop costal environment.
There are more than 3 lakhs marine and inland fisher population spread over 51 marine villages and 63 inland fishermen villages in Kanyakumari district. SCF was incorporated on 28.7.2021 with 13 members with the paid up share capital of Rs.1,00,000 with the provision of Rs.15,00,000 as authorized capital. Because of the coordinated and dedicated efforts of all Directors and the supporting agencies, the membership has been increased to 957 with the share capital of Rs.13,70,000. There is a consistent growth in membership, share capital, turn over, employment opportunities and financial leverage of the members and by an large the marginalized community of the district.
Strength of the FPO: 1. Genuine support of NGO, NABARD, NETFISH and NABKISAN officials. 2. Dedicated service of all Directors and its staff. 3. Transference in finance. 4. Periodical General body meetings, Board meetings and PMCI. 5. Large number of participation of members in GB and BOD. 6. Consistent and effective training programme conducted and participated by CEO,Directors and members. 7.Scientific way of implementing FPO projects by understanding the reality after analyzing the cost effectiveness.
Notable activities of SCF-FPO: 1.Established Gram Dukan project under the support of NABARD to sell all types of fishing implements at affordable cost,both beneficial to fishermen and the company.The sale value of GramaDukka is about Rs.10,00,000 per month.Because of its success FPO started one more Gram Dukan in neighbouring village.
2. With the support of NABKISAN, FPO Provides working capital support to the members to buy fishing nets and outboard engines and there by provide direct employment about 800 fishermen as on 11.1.2024.
3. First time in India, our SCF reintroduced handmade fish net by hiring 100 fisher women and providing direct employment. More than Rs.25,00,000/- given as coolie for handmade fish net making fiher women in last year. It is a great support to the household income for the women. Because of its durability of net fishermen buy handmade net though the selling price is 30 percent higher than machine made fishing net.(Machine made Rs.415 per Kg. and handmade net price is Rs.620 per Kg.)
4. Now supplying outboard engine to fishermen at reasonable price. Planning to import it either from Japan or Thailand if SCF gets financial support from NABARD and Banks.
Lot of Environmental challenges are in the costal areas. Government is taking efforts to Coastal Zone Management Plans (CZMP):The Tamil Nadu government has developed CZMPs to regulate and manage activities along the coast, aiming to balance development with environmental conservation.
Sea-Level Rise:Studies indicate that sea-level rise poses a significant threat to the coastal zones of Kanyakumari District, potentially leading to the inundation of low-lying areas and affecting local communities.
Coastal Erosion: The dynamic nature of the coastline, influenced by natural processes and human activities, has led to erosion in certain areas, impacting habitats and human settlements
Climate Change Vulnerability: TThe region is susceptible to climate change effects, including increased frequency of extreme weather events, which can exacerbate existing environmental issues.
Public Awareness and Education: Raising awareness about environmental issues and involving local communities in conservation efforts can enhance the effectiveness of development activities.